Discipleship, Faith live alive...
Als Elijah Miistries we organise...

Baptism accompaniment
You have come to know Yeshua (Jesus) as your personal Savior and now you want to follow Him with all your heart and your whole life.
In Acts 38 Peter says:
"Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
With Elijah Ministries you can complete a baptismal accompaniment lasting several weeks in community. We accompany you so that you bring your heart to light before God and learn to live in his light. We accompany you on your first steps in faith and equip you so that you can be baptized. Once a year, in summer or autumn, we organize a baptism event at Birs/Rhein in Basel,Switzerland. Then you can be baptized directly outdoors into God the Father, Yeshua his Son and his Holy Spirit. This occasion is always associated with a celebration of joy and gratitude.

Course on the foundations of the Christian faith
In this course we will teach you the biblical foundations of the Christian faith and the basis for the life of a believing Christian. It is an intensive examination of the Bible in community.

Discipleship and Following Yeshua
Paul says in Romans 6:4:
"Through baptism we died and were buried with Christ. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory and power of his Father, so we also have received a new life and are now to act in accordance with this new life. "
or in Colossians 2:12:
"With him you were buried in baptism; with him you were also raised through faith by the power of God, who raised him from the dead. [13] And God quickened you with him, who were dead your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, and has forgiven us all sins."
If we have been baptized and are born again by the Holy Spirit, we want to learn to follow Jeshua (Jesus). We learn discipleship and community. In this course we would like to pass on to you the spiritual tools needed in this new life with Yeshua, to walk and abide with our redeemer day by day.

Small group leader course
A biblical principal