Church Growth
On the one hand, we do this by building and supporting existing and new local christian communities. On the other hand, by supporting Kurdish believers worldwide with teachings and discipleshipprogramms in the form of seminars, home groups, church weekends, teaching videos, newly written and translated literature and worship projects in Kurdish.
We will subsequently upload updates and links to this new community building project.

International Kurdish Christian Church
Update coming soon...
Networking Christian Kurdish missionwork throughout Switzerland
Update follows...

Kurdish Christian Fellowship Basel
As Kurdish Christians, we meet twice a month in Basel for a fellowship. You're very welcome to join us.
Kurdish Christian Church Kobane, Rojava, South Kurdistan
We support the local Kurdish community in Kobane, Rojava in various projects. Updates will follow...

Your support for christian kurdish Church Growth

We would be happy if you would like to actively participate in our evangelization and mission work. You can also contribute your gifts and ideas to us. Missionary work is practically lived faith and every Christian is called to bring the people of this world closer to heaven. Contact us via our Contactform.
If you would like to support our work financially, you can do so via the Make the following account details, with the payment note Community building_Kurdistan.
PostFinance account details
Account holder: Elijah Service/Elijah Ministries
IBAN: CH96 0900 0000 1596 7186 4
Address: Im Ettingerhof 8, 4055 Basel, Switzerland/Switzerland